

This service extracts information on individual astronomical sources from publicly available data of GAIA mission, currently from the GAIA Data Release 3. The data analysis can be launched either using the MMODA fronend interface or through a Python API from e.g. a Jupyter notebook on a user laptop.

The main parameter panel generic for all analysis services allows to select the source of interest, based on its name or coordinates:

The start and end time limits also need to be specified in the main parameter panel.

Upon each data analysis request, GAIA astroquery service will be queried to retreive data relevant for the lightcurve or spectrum. The instrument specific parameter panel allow to select one of the four available data product types: Photometric light-curve, period folded light-curve (for periodic sources), Spectrum from photometry, or Gaia's XP spectrum.

Continnum Spectra:

This workflow allows to retrieve and plot continnumm representation of Gaia XP spectra using GaiaXPy.


Basic usage

  • [1] Select the Continnum spectra option.


(a) radius (arcseconds): search radius used for querying Gaia DR3 archive.

(b) wl_min (nm): minimum wavelength

(c) wl_max (nm): maximum wavelength

(d) d_wl (nm): wavelength resolution

The default (recommended) sampling is for the wavelength range $336--1021$nm with $\delta\lambda=2$nm. Narrower ranges are possible (for example, to focus around a specific line). $\delta\lambda<2$nm is possible but will oversample the spectra.

(e) sampling_type: As a default a linear sampling (linear) is used but a geometric sampling (geom) can be used instead to improve resolution at the bluer end.

(f) calib_output: True to obtain an output (.csv format) with the calibrated spectrumm.

(g) bprp_output: True to obtain an output (.csv format) with the BP and RP spectra in pseudowavelength.

  • [2] Click in submit.


  • A plot is outputed showing the continumm representation as well as as the BP/RP spectra for the source.

  • if calib_output=True a table with the calibrated spectrumm is available.

  • if bprp_output=True a table with the BP and RP spectra in pseudowavelength spectrumm is available.

Light-curve from photometry

Retrieve and plots Gaia photometric light-curves.

Basic usage

  • [1] Select the Lightcurve from photometry option.


(a) data_release: default is 3 for Gaia Data Release 3

(b) flux_band: which photometric band: G, BP or RP.

(c) flux_units: flux units magnitudes or $erg/cm^2s#

(d) radius_photometry: (arcseconds) search radius used for querying Gaia DR3 archive.

  • [2] Click in submit.


[3] An output table is provided with fluxes, uncertainties and Julian dates.

[4] A plot is outputed showing the light-curve.

Period-folded light-curves

For periodic sources, also period-folded lightcurve can be produced: