
Services to obtain high-level products for INTEGRAL instruments

These services (or notebooks) leverage on the Online INTEGRAL data analysis services with backend computation performed either the University of Geneva or at the ESa facilities. They implement workflows with a higher degree of complexity than the normal queries to the MMODA services for the corresponding instruments. It is meant to provide mosaic, or lightcurve of a source over a certain period of time, potentially spanning the full mission.


The notebooks implementing these services have a number of parameters.

General parameters

The first block of parameters (T1, T2, src_name, RA, and DEC) makes up the standard query. Note that if RA and DEC are zero, the source coordinates will be looked up in simbad using astroquery.

radius is the selection radius of science windows from the source coordinates: it defaults to 3.5 deg for JEM-X and 10.5 deg for IBIS/ISGRI.

Only for JEM-X, one can choose the unit with the parameter jemx_unit which can assume values 1 or 2.

osa_version defaults to OSA11.2 and we recommend to leave it unchanged.

data_version can be CONS or NRT, the latter for quick-look analysis.

integral_data_rights can be public or all-provate depending if the proprietary period has expired or not.

s_max is the single job maximum number of science windows: if there are many science windows, the actaul backend is called through many queries each one asking for at most s_max science windows. This parameters should be set to 50 for unpriviledged users and possibly to 300 for users granted usage of the hpc cluster.

host_type can be production, staging, or esa. The first two use the University of Geneva production or development instances respectively. The latter uses ESA facilities (currently only accessible internally at ESAC from Datalabs)

upload_to_gallery if set tot True will allow a priviledged user to upload their result to the MMODA gallery

E1_keV and E2_keV are the minimum and maximum energies for image and lightcurve extraction, it does not affect the spectral extraction, a part from the catalog image creation (see below). Defaults are 3-20 keV for JEM-X and 28-40 keV for IBIS/ISGRI.

detection_threshold is the detection threshold for images and defaults to 7.

catalog usage for spectra and light curves

use_default_catalog if set to True, it will use the MMODA default catalog. catalog for spectrum and lightcurve extraction, if the target source is not present, it will add to it. make_image If a default catalog is NOT used, set this should be set to true to extract an image and make a custom catalog with a number of science windows selected from the parameter below. n_scw_image is a parameter that allows to limit the number of science windows used to make an image. It should stay to -1 which means all for the mosaic service. A negative number between 0 and -1 is the franction of science windows to use (e.g., -0.2 it will use 20% of the total science windows). If the number is positive is a fixed number of sceince windows. The science windows are randomly chosen from the full list. api_catalog_file it is a json formatted string with the API catalog (only for very specific use in spectrum and lightcurve)

for mosaic

isdc_cat_url is the URL of a reference catalog to lookup for sources, which can be updated. It defaults to it can be a local file or an URL (only for the mosaic service)

include_new_sources is a flag to allow new sources to appear in the image (only for the mosaic service)

For spectram and lightcurve

systematic_fraction is the systematic fraction to add to light curve or spectra extracted with OSA. We recommend 0.05 for JEM-X and 0.0015 for IBIS/ISGRI.

for lightcurve

lc_time_bin is the light curve time bin in seconds. For ISGRI a number larger than the typical science window duration will produce light curves binned at the science window duration, for JEM-X it will merge multiple science windows (inherited from OSA).

for spectram

JEM-X spectra are extracted using 16 logaritmically spaced bins, ISGRI spectra are extracted with 256 bins, however it is possible to introduce a grouping with the following parameters

isgri_grouping_min_energy is the ISGRI grouping minimum energy. isgri_grouping_max_energy is the ISGRI grouping maximum energy. isgri_grouping_factor It is the number of bins in grouping: if negative it leads to equally spaced logarithmic grouping, if positive to linear spacing.